Friday, February 29, 2008

The last cold day?

We were out on a walk yesterday and Jude was taking time to jump in the puddles. He is all boy. His vocabulary is growing. When he learns a new word he practices A LOT. I mean ALL THE TIME. His latest is "Apple Juice." Right now he is in his crib saying, "Eiley." He loves her so much until we see her, then she is competition.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Just the guys

We went to the park yesterday. We often ride our bikes there and the weather has been so beautiful that we couldn't resist to load up with a few snacks and go. When Daddy is home Jude is all about him. I love it though. There are not many things in life that are more enjoyable to me than to watch Daryn with Jude. He is an amazing father and, of course, a wonderful husband.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The more common photos of Jude

There are often times that I send out pictures and people reply to me how great the pictures are. I always tell people that I am not going to send the bad photos. But here are a few that are the more common ones as of late. He is always on the go. Which is how it should be. Although, he has come to the understanding that if he holds still he can look at the picture of himself after.

Friday, February 22, 2008

The Band

Friends of ours were going to the hospital to have their third baby girl. (Congrats, Scott and Jenn; Annika is here!!!)

We kept their 2 with us while they were in the hospital. It was a fun day full of, "No, it's not time to go to the hospital yet." Suprisingly, there were no, "Jude, no hitting the girls." We are very thankful for that and see God building self-control in him.

Here is a picture from the day. They were all three taking turns with the musical instruments. Amazingly enough, all three were equally as talented.

Friday, February 15, 2008

I have a few ideas that some may like for making your dollar stretch as far as meals are concerned. One thing I like to do is buy a whole chicken and use it for a couple of meals. The obvious is chicken salad for lunch but I also cut up the extra chicken and make BBQ chicken pizza (BBQ sauce, montery jack cheese), chicken puffs (cresent rolls made into a square, cream cheese, and herbs of my choice), and then I will freeze the bones and boil them in water to make a stock for soup. There are tons of other ideas that I have but as I make them I will let you know.

Since Jude loves the drums, Daryn went on utube so they could both look at some really good drum solos. Jude couldn't just sit and watch he wanted to go get his drums and play along. This was the result.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Beautiful weather!

It has been warm the past several days so Daryn was able to take the day off and we went to the beach. This time of year is why people move to Florida. If you are thinking of moving here, you should visit in August and then make a decision.
We had a great time. We went to a beautiful beach that has a really great place for breakfast outside. Unfortunately, there were a ton of seagulls that frequent the same place (imagine that). Turned out to be a bonus though, because we brought our very own gull-chaser. We don't have any pictures of that but he was running up and down and all around the beach keeping them all away from Mommy. What a sweet boy.