Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Art Festival

Jude painting. He painted on the star fish and then pressed a piece of paper on it to transfer the image. Here is his wand that he made. I am happy to say that he liked tasting the glue and glitter. When he presented it to Daddy I had him dance around and wave it in the air. Daddy LOOOOVVVEDD that I am sure.
Here Jude is checking out his shadow again.

While Daryn was at church Saturday morning I took Jude out to the Mainsail Art Festival. We had a lot of fun doing a couple of art projects. After the art we walked over to the playground and to the beach there. He had the most fun running in the water. Needless to say getting his feet wet was unrealistic and ultimately futile.

Jude was so proud to show his dad his picture that he did AND his magic wand! (which turned out NOT to be magic. Big disappointment. :)

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