Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Pre-birthday noodle fun

32!!! That is how old Daryn is as of Thursday! One of his favorite meals is a Vietnamese noodle soup that our friend Teresa makes. Soooooooo, I took it on for part of Daryn's birthday gift. It is an all day soup that requires much time in the beginning to make the broth and then cooking for several hours an then compiling it with the fixin's. Teresa and I had this big plan that she would come over to my house with her kids and she would teach me how to make it. Well, wouldn't you know it, her kids got sick and she was not able to come. But, she had other plans. Her husband Luan met Jude and I at the Asian market to purchase all of the things (so I would know what to buy in the future) and then Teresa walked me though the steps throughout the day. Thanks Luan for taking time out of your day to help me. AND thank you Teresa for being at my beck-and-phone-call all day. It turned out perfect and Daryn loved it!!!! At the end of the day Teresa was able to stop by and make sure that I was doing it right. She added her 2 cents and about 1/2 of a bottle of fish oil. :) We usually have Wednesday night dinner at my Mom and Marty's before their care group but this night I had it here at our house with Andrea, Becky, Lauren (who took the picture), and all of the kids. FUN!

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